Financial Accounts

Our business strives for sustainable growth and in achieving this; we are continually working to identify the economic impacts that our business has upon our stakeholders and our local economy.

Sustainable growth via a clear and transparent action plan is central to our total value proposition, impacting not only upon our business, but every member, customer, employee, supplier, and community organisation that we engage with or that engages with us.

Registered Clubs Act

Important information for club members.

  • A list of disclosures, declarations, and returns made by the governing body and employees of the club.
  • The salary bands of the club’s Top Executives.
  • Details of the overseas travel made by the governing body and employees of the club.
  • Details of loans given by the club to employees.
  • Details of certain contracts executed by the club.
  • Salary details of club employees who are close relatives of the club’s governing body and Top Executives.
  • Details of the payments made by the club for consultant services.
  • Details of legal settlements made by the club with a member of the governing body or employee of the club.
  • Details of legal fees paid by the club for a member of the governing body or an employee of the club.
  • The club, annual gaming machine profit.
  • The amount applied by the club to community development and support.

The club must prepare quarterly financial statements for the governing body that incorporate:

  • The club’s profit and loss accounts and trading accounts for the quarter, and
  • A balance sheet as at the end of the quarter.

Members may view the register or the financial statements by written request to the club.

Director of Liquor and Gaming


Dapto Leagues Club Ltd (“the Company”) announces that BDO Audit Pty Ltd (“BDO Audit”) has been appointed as auditor of the Company. The appointment follows the resignation of BDO East Coast Partnership (“BDO ECP”), and ASIC’s consent to the resignation in accordance with s329(5) of the Corporations Act 2001 (“the Act”). The change of auditor arose as a result of BDO ECP restructuring its audit practice whereby audits will be conducted by BDO Audit, an authorised audit company, rather than BDO ECP. In accordance with section 327C of the Act, a resolution will be proposed at the 2020 Annual General Meeting to confirm the appointment of the Company’s auditor.